Friday, March 27, 2009

First Days

The boat is beautiful but is in need of some good loving before she is in any condition to sail. That will be nice rewarding work. It is a long day of hard work but at the end you can see that you have actually done something. We have a full month in Harligen before we head to Hamburg. I am trying to get a solid plan about where we are going but that is proven harder than i thought. I am the third sail crew on board which means I am third in command which is fun. I am working right now on finding a leak in the water tank and rigging up the jibboom net. Those tasks should take me through next week at least. It is dinner time so I will finish this up. Love to everyone. Safe and sound day 3.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

1st Day

Red eye flights are never good. I cannot sleep on airplanes so that presents a major problem. After the flight the train ride to Utrecht was nice a little scenic. I saw my first windmill which makes me mark day one as a success. I met Mickail at Utrecht University and had a nice nap while he had his first class. I am now left in the computer lab all along to fend off impatient students from this computer. In other words Mickail is in class. Once he is out I believe it is a early dinner then a night on the town until about 10 or when my eyes will no longer open. So far everything is great a little rainy but heck its the Netherlands. Safe and sound day 1.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Wheels up tomorrow at 8:30

Packing and getting everything ready has never been a strength of mine, and I am remembering that now. Sorry Sarah your room is the staging area. Everything is going fine so far, I am very excited and just like the first time I was going to Disneyland I will not be able to sleep tonight. I have to get back to work. The next post I will be at the ship so look forward to some photos.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Six Days

In six days I head out on a adventure. It my not be as extreme as India, but I feel it may be just as rewarding. I am sailing around Europe on a Tall Ship just like the sailors of old. I am starting this blog so that my friends stay in touch. I am excited and nervous all at once. I hope that very soon i can show you all photos of the Irish Sea or the Baltic from a hundred feet up. So look forward to more as I will look forward to hearing from all of you.